Directors & Officers
Board of Directors Term
Jennifer Rodriguez, Pres. 2023-2025
Deborah Garcia, Vice Pres. 2023-2025
Bob Allen 2024-2026
Kim Coulter 2023-2025
Doug Duvall 2024-2026
Michael Novak 2024-2026
Bruce Orzechowski 2023-2025
Sandy Stratton 2024-2026
Laurel Taylor 2024-2026
Lori Steed
We do not post personal phone numbers because this is a public website. Most directors list their phone number and address in the residents directory which is provided to all residents and non-resident owners who request it.
Owners and residents of Rocky Creek Ranch can request a copy of the directory by emailing or calling the office.
Laurel Taylor, Chair
Bob House
Janie McPhail
Marcella Pasetto
Jackie Woodard
Architectural Control
Frank Lombardo, Chair
Rick Pasetto
Kathy Craine
Sandy Stratton, Chair
Bobby Cox
Kevin Craine
Dan Dellinger
Suzanne Drucker
Sam Stanphill
Laurel Taylor
Bruce Orzechowski, Chair
Doug Duvall, Vice-chair
Kim Coulter
Dan Dellinger
Mike Williamson
Rules Committee
Kim Coulter, Chair
Kathy Craine
Kevin Craine
Bruce Orzechowski
Laurel Taylor